General Life Insurance

Why Buy Return of Premium Term Insurance?

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If you’re simply looking for the cheapest life insurance policy then traditional level term life insurance is the way to go. However, return of premium term insurance offers an attractive alternative between low cost term life insurance and its more expensive counterpart whole life or universal life insurance. Return of premium, a.k.a. ROP term insurance.. More

Purchasing Return of Premium (ROP) Term Life Insurance

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The decision to buy life insurance is not difficult but selecting the right type of policy is critical to making sure your family or business is adequately protected. When considering return of premium term insurance there are a number of factors that should be reviewed. Following is a checklist of the most important things to.. More

Compare Level Term Life with Return of Premium Term Insurance

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Level term life insurance is one of the most popular types of life insurance because it is inexpensive and allows you to purchase more coverage for less money. The reason why level term costs less is that it is only designed to provide coverage at a fixed price for a temporary period of time say.. More

Return of Premium Term Life lnsurance: Advantages & Disadvantages

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Return of premium life is level term insurance that refunds 100% of all premiums paid at the end of a specified guaranteed period. In other words, you get the full benefit of the life insurance protection over the level term period and if you outlive the term you get all of your money basck! These.. More

Protecting Your Earnings: What is Human Life Value?

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Protecting your earnings is one of the chief reasons to buy both life and disability insurance. In fact, protecting your potential earnings is one of the cornerstones of financial planning and is in fact foundational in effective risk management. Anyone earning any kind of income, especially high income earners, should consider protecting their income earnings.. More

How Your Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) Affects Your Life Insurance Rates

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Believe it or not, your driving record can play a significant role in determining the rate you pay for life insurance. In fact, auto accidents are a leading cause of death in the United States. On average, about 115 people die each day in the U.S. alone from vehicle accidents and from the ages of.. More

What Is Mortgage Life Insurance?

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Aside from your ability to earn an income; your home is likely your biggest asset. And, if you’re like most people who own homes, you want to provide life insurance to pay off your mortgage in the event of your death. Mortgage life insurance is one of the easiest ways to provide for financial security.. More

Life Insurance Underwriting Health Classes Defined

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Life Insurance Underwriting Health Classes Defined Life insurance policy underwriting is the process insurance companies use to review an individual’s health history, avocations and lifestyle factors to determine their actual risk of mortality. The goal of life insurance underwriting is to accurately assess an individual’s risk level for the purposes of assigning the appropriate rate.. More

Life Insurance With No Medical Exam

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At MEG Financial, we know that life insurance is important for everyone regardless of your age or medical history. We also know the process of applying for life insurance can be stressful and time-consuming. If you are having trouble getting approve for life insurance policies or you do not want to go through the hassle.. More

Why Buy Life Insurance?

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“Insure First What You Can Least Afford to Lose” Everyone knows the first step when building a home is to have a solid and stable foundation. The same is true of your financial house. Life insurance is one of the basic levels of protection that provide the stability for you to begin building your financial.. More