Advantages and Disadvantages of No Medical Life Insurance

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Need life insurance but don’t want to go through the hassles of doing an insurance exam? There are definitely options available for you get a reasonably competitive life insurance policy without completing a long application, having to meet a nurse to give blood and going through the sometimes exhaustive underwriting approval process. However, there are also good reasons to go the traditional route. Following are some of pros and cons of buying a no medical life insurance policy.

Advantages of the Life Insurance No Medical Exam Option:

1. Duh? You can get a life insurance policy without having to do an intrusive medical exam which normally includes a blood draw and a urine sample.

2. Its pretty easy. In fact, with some companies you can buy a policy right on line simply by answering a few medical questions and supplying your credit card information.

3. The time it takes to buy a no exam life insurance policy is significantly less than when qualifying the via traditional route and completing and insurance physical.

4. If you can qualify, there are some competitively priced life insurance policies that can be secured without an exam.

Disadvantages of the Life Insurance No Medical Exam Option:

1. In most cases, rates for life insurance policies that do not require an exam are anywhere from 30-60% higher than going the traditional route and submitting an exam when applying.

2. If you want the best deal, you need to prove your health with an insurance exam.

3. In most cases, you will not have heard of the life insurance company that is underwriting your no medical policy as there a only a few carriers that currently offer no exam life policies and the market changes frequently.

4. Most life insurance no medical providers limit the amount of Life insurance available to $500,000.

The bottom line is if you truly need life insurance but do no wish to complete a medical exam, the advantages of going the life insurance no medical route far exceed the disavantages. If you want the best possible life insurance policy without having to complete and insurance exam you can visit for a no obligation quote and to see if you qualify. You can also call MEG Financial toll free at (877) 583-3955 to speak with a life insurance professional.

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We work with individuals across the nation to secure the best life insurance rates.

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