Can I Get Life Insurance After Prostate Cancer?

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Prostate cancer is becoming more and more prominent today affecting 1 in 6 men nationally. The great news is that it is highly treatable if detected early and many affected will go on to live normal life expectancies. For this reason, a select group of life insurance companies have begun to look at prostate cancer more favorably and are offering very competitive rates depending upon a few “risk factors”.

From a life insurance company’s perspective, there are several important “risk factors”  that they focus on when determining your rate after prostate cancer treatment. These factors are crucially important to identify up front so that you can choose the life insurance company that is going to treat you most favorably. These factors are listed below.

1. Age at diagnosis;

2. Your PSA reading prior to treatment;

3. Your Gleason Score prior to treatment (commonly found by doing a biopsy);

4. What treatment option did you have? (i.e. radical prostectomy, seed implant, radiation, chemotherapy, etc.);

5. The size, stage and grade of the tumor (commonly found on the pathology report);

6. How long has it been since your treatment?;

7. Your follow-up PSA readings after treament.

If you have prostate cancer that has been successfully treated, there are likely several opportunities to buy life insurance at competitive rates. The key is to identify up-front your specific “risk factors” noted above and to work with an independent insurance agent that has expertise in working prostate cancer cases and delivering solid results.

At MEG Financial, we have worked hundreds of prostate cancer cases and have routinely negotiated great rates. Click here for an example of a client we helped get the best rates for life insurance after prostate cancer. Call MEG today at (877) 583-3955. We can identify your situation and provide you with a custom life insurance quote that is realistic and ultimately competitive.

You can find more information on the companies that offer prostate cancer survivors the best life insurance policies here.

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About Term Land

We work with individuals across the nation to secure the best life insurance rates.

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William McGinnis

Hello. I am a Prostate Cancer Survivor that was diagnosed with Stage 1 prostate Cancer at age 58. My PSA before treatment was 7. My Gleason Score was 3+4 (7). I had 25 treatments of External Beam Radiation by Calypso. At the end of EBR treatment I had high dose Brachy Therapy directly to the prostate. I did not have seed implants. I finished treatment January 25th 2012. My PSA at my 6 month follow up was undetectable. Is there someone that will insure me?

March 12, 2013 at 9:29 pm

Mr. McGinnis,

Absolutely you can find affordable life insurance coverage. The great news is that your PSA is undetectable. There are several companies that have an open mind with respect to successful treatment of prostate cancer. The insurance companies obviously prefer a radical prostectomy but as long as the PSA in undetectable we have takers at very good rates.

Thank you very much for your post and please contact me with further questions.

March 26, 2013 at 8:32 pm
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