I Have a Health Problem and Need Life Insurance

Written by Termland.com

Just because you have a health condition or some type of medical problem doesn’t mean that you are going to be declined for life insurance.  Sure, you will likely pay more than someone who is in excellent health but the reality is that in most cases, life insurance coverage can be obtained and usually at a much more affordable rate than you think!

If you have a history of medical issues, and need life insurance, there are some things that you can do to find a policy that will cover your needs without breaking the bank.  However, if you want the best results, it is going to take personal involvement and a qualified independent insurance agent.

A top agent, one that is focused on getting you the best results and not simply interested in writing you a policy and moving on to the next person, will have a clear understanding of your specific health condition as well as experience in helping people with your condition get affordable life insurance.

One way to identify an agent’s qualifications is to ask for references or client testimonials. Any agent worth their weight in salt will be able to give you the names of some people with your medical condition that he/she has helped. If you are not working with a pro, you can forget finding the most competitive life insurance policy.

Once you have identified a top life insurance agent, one that has your best interest at heart, you need to gain a clear idea of your specific health situation and work with your agent to identify the life insurance company that will treat you most favorably. In order to do so, you will need to know your diagnosis and level of control of your condition.

Getting the best rate for life insurance requires you to control your condition and get your “risk factors” managed as best as possible. Having your lab report numbers and readings at levels that are as close to normal as possible will go a long way to painting the right picture to the life isnurance underwriters.

With the right information and good control of the “risk factors” associated with your condition, your agent will be equipped to go out to many life insurance companies to present your case and uncover your best possible options.

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About Term Land

We work with individuals across the nation to secure the best life insurance rates.

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Beth McCurdy

My husband has prostate cancer and is 57 w/ no life insurance. Do you have any options for us?

December 17, 2011 at 7:52 pm


    If your husband has just been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and has not undergone any type of treatment then he will not qualify for life insurance in the short-run. However, if he does have treatment, he will likely be insurable thereafter depending upon the size stage and grade of the tumor, his post-surgery Gleason Score, type of treatment, etc. He will most likely have to wait at least 6 months after treatment and in many cases 12 months. More detailed information can be found here https://termland.com/blog/can-i-get-life-insurance-after-prostate-cancer/. Always, if you have further questions, you can call (877) 583-3955 and we will help you!

    December 30, 2011 at 10:53 pm

I have a stepfather that has a pacemaker. Although in top health and having it for more than a year and a half. I was wondering if i can take out a term or life plan for him??

August 26, 2012 at 5:51 pm


    As long as the pacemaker does not include a defibrillator we can consider hm for life insurance. Our company, MEG Financial has helped many people throughout the country with pacemakers find affordable life insurance.

    Call me personally at (877) 583-3955.

    Michael E. Gray, Jr.
    CEO, MEG Financial
    Independent Insurance Agent

    August 27, 2012 at 10:50 pm
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